Do you know Islam?

Do you really know Islam?  Did you learn about Islam by research or just by hearsay?  Or do you have any prejeduices against Islam?  Leave aside what you know.  Watch the following video which will help you to learn about Islam i truth.  You will not lose anything. 
Islam means submission.  One submits himself to Allah and His Messenger as Islam puts order to his life and brings happiness in the hereafter.  Allah, the one who created the human being and who knows him the best will shape his worldly life as a result of this submission.  As long as one lives according to the measures set by Islam, he will attain happiness in this world and the next. 
        What kind of a person was Prophet Muhammad?
        He lost his mother and father when he was very little and thus became an orphan.  Having grown up under the care of his grandfather and uncle, Prophet Muhammad was seen to never lie.  He was know as the truthful one amongst his people.  No one ever was harmed by way of his hand, speech or being.  He was under the protection of Allah and was far from any immorality.  During his time women had no value.  A woman could be bought or sold and was looked upon as a sexual object.  He lived in a time where daughters were buried alive, the strong oppressed and enslaved the weak;  however he was not a part of any of this.  Although he lived in a time where Makkah was the center of literature and poetry he was illiterate.  The result and miracle of this was the will of Allah as was seen later in his life. 
After he proclaimed his Prophethood and started calling upon the people the number of followers increased.  Those of authority were disturbed by this and offered to give him worldly benefits in return for giving up the call; however he rejected all of this.  Who would give up on everything for a false cause?  Later on they tortured his followers, but they could not prevent the spread of Islam. A just person will ask himself:  in spite of all the torture and oppression, what was the reason the early Muslims were so attached to him?  What caused them to give up their lives and wealth?  What did the Prophet promise them that they gave up their lives and wealth to follow him?  They followed him just like the Helpers of Prophet ‘Isa. 
        Many false accusations and bad remarks were made against Prophet Muhammad, the perfect human being.    The reason for this was to stop the spreading of Islam in America, Europe and many other countries.  If you fall for these false accusations you will die without knowing this great man.  Allah gave you reasoning, in order for you not to feel regret, instead of listening to what other people think, use your mind and learn about Islam. 
        What does Islam prohibit?
To associate others with Allah, to commit adultery, to drink alcohol, to gamble, to rebel against parents, to kill another man, to spread corruption on the earth, to steal, to lie, to deceive, to falsely accuse, to backbite, to break another one’s heart, to conficate another’s property and everything that will harm people. 

        What does Prophet Muhammad advise?
        To worship only Allah, to live your life according to the orders of Allah, to be honest, to tell the truth, to be ggod towards other, not to break another one’s heart, to smile, to be good towards one;s parents, women, relatives, and neighbors, and to be merciful towards all living things. 
       What promise is given to those who follow Islam?
Prophet Muhammad conveyed whatever Allah has ordered and prohibited and in return for this he gave the glad tidings of a never ending paradise in which there is extraordinary beauty and no evil. 
        Prophet Muhammad never rejected those messengers that came before.
Prophet Muhammad acknowledged that Adam, Noah, Lot, Joseph, David, Solomon, Moses, and Jesus was a messenger just like him.  He respected them and mentioned them as his brothers.  He never said anything bad about them and always expressed love towards them as they were prophets sent before him. 
        Prophet Muhammad never rejected the Books sent to the earlier Messengers. 
Prophet Muhammad  accepts the Books that were sent to other Messengers before him.  All Muslims believe in the previous Books.  Prophet Muhammad acknowledged that the Torah which was sent to Moses, and the Old Testament which was sent to the Christians were the word of Allah was corrupted and it’s rulings were taken and in it’s place the Qur’an was revealed. 
        What are the miracles of Prophet Muhammad?
        His greatest miracle was the Qur’an.    It is not possible for an illiterate shepard to write such a book like the Qur’an.   One who reads the Qur’an will recognize that it is not the word of a human being.  The Qur’an mentions many miraculous events in a very literary harmonious way.  During the time of the Prophet literature and poetry were very popular.  Poetry competitions were held and the the winning poem would be hung on the door of the Ka’bah.   As a result of the will of Allah he did not know how to read or write.    And such a person brought the Qur’an during the age of the poets.  Those who listened the Qur’an would say that it was not from human being and would immediately accept Islam.  Because of this reason it was forbidden to recite the Qur’an loudly in Makkah.
        Prophet Muhammad has many miracles, however since it is not possible to make mention of all of them we well just give a few examples. 
        In the Chapter of Talak verse 12, the Qur’an mentions that there are seven heavens.  This information was given to us 14 centuries ago through the Qur’an by a man who was illiterate.  It was not possible to have this knowledge at that time when this was discovered after long astronomical research.  And it was not possible for it to be taken from other sources.  This type of information was not known to anyone at that time period. 
At a time when astronomy was not as developed as today, the Qur’an which was revelaed 14 centuries ago mentions in Chapter Thariyat verse 47 that the “sky has been expanded.”  This information was only discovered in the 20th century and was not known by anyone at that time.  This clearly shows that this information could only be revealed to the Prophet Muhammad by divine revelation. 
Prophet Muhammad said:  “If a flye falls into the plate of any one of you, dip it in the food because in one of its wings is a sickness and in the other is a cure.  It, will be protected by the wing which carries the sickness”  Which means that the wing which has the cure will act as an antidote against the wing that carries the poison. 
This kind of information was discovered by scientists in a lab as a result of microscopic experiements,   However this information was given to us by Prophet Muhammad 14 centuries ago. 
Prophet Muhammad forbade us to use water that has been sitting in the sun and stated that this water was harmful and could cause spotted fever. 
It is mentione in Chapter Rahman verse 19 and 20: “He released the two seas meeting (side by side).   Between them is a barrier (so) neither of them transgresses.”
       As the verse mentions this reality is mind blowing.  It is impossible to keep two different types of water from mixing in a tea cup let alone the sea inspite of storms and waves.  However science acknowledges the verses of the Qur’an and       declares to even the eyes that are blind, that it is the word of Allah. 
       Captain Cousteau famous for his reserach of the sea explains: “We were reseraching the theories of some researchers that there are barriers between different water masses.  At the end of our reserach we discovered that the Mediterranean has its unique level of salt and density.  At the same time it contained unique living creatures.  Then we observed the Atlantic Ocean and saw that it was completely different from the Mediterranean. 
Whereas in the Straight of Jibraltar, where the two waters meet, their levels of salt, density and vitality should be almost equal or the same.  However these two waters were of different composition where they met.  We were shocked with this discovery.  Because there was a great water barrier between where the two waters met. 
What is interesting is that an illiterate man who lived in Makkah 1 centuries ago and who lived 5-6,000 KM away gave us the news that these two waters did not mix.  Where did Prophet Muhammad get this information from?  This only shows that this information which was not known to anyone at that time could only be from a divine source. 
        Why is Islam mentioned alongside with teror?
        Islam contians in itself commands which will bring happiness to people in this world and the next.  Because today’s Muslims are not practicing true Isliram, Islam becomes misunderstood.  People’s wrong doings which are based on the ignorance of Islamic teachings are taken as Islam.  Those who do not practice Islam properly stand as a barrier and prevent Islam from being understood as it should be.  Those who learn about true Islam become Muslim immediately.   As result of Islam spreading in America and Europe at a fast rate, certain groups of people who are disturbed by this try to present Islam and terror as equals.  Whereas Islam, let alone human beings, prohibits even harming animals and trees and prohibits the spreading of corruption.
        The Prophet Muhammad, before sending an army to fight would say the following: “To not harm women, elderly and children.  Do not harm those who ask for security.   Do not  harm Churches, Synagogues and places of worship.  Do not harm even the tress.  So, how can Islam, which was brought to us by this caring and respectful man be mentioned alongside with terror?  The sole reason for this is the actions of those people who have not understood Islam properly. 
The army which the Prophet would send, would first call to Islam, then would offer the paying of taxes and then wage war.  Apart from this it would never attack a group of people suddenly and without warning.  It never commited massacres, never burned and destroyed and never raped.  The Prophet never allowed or apporoved of these things. 
        What is Islam’s Jihad command?
        Islam never commanded people to attack other and invade their lands.  Islam wants to free people from being slaves to others and make them slaves of only Allah.  It wants to free people from the oppressive dictators and arrogant people and call them to Allah’s justice.  And it wants us to fight for this cause.  This command to fight for this cause does not intend to mass murder, invade and oppress but to help the oppressed and to establish the rule of Allah in the  lands.  Is it terror to establish Allah’s justice and rule in this world in comparison to the massacres of Emperialist forces or is this to establish justice?  This topic has always been wrongfully portrayed by the enemies of Islam and Islam has been shown to people as a terror religion. 
        Inspite of all this defamation why is Islam still spreading?
        Many people in America and Europe are putting their prejudices aside and becoming Muslim after learning about Islam.  The largest reason for this is the beauty of Islam.  The more Islam is defamed, the more people become curious and want to learn about Islam.  Those who are courageous enough to study, become Muslim after they are introduced to Islam.  Isn’t this of any importance to you?  Are you not curious about why so many Muslims are not giving up their beliefs and  are sacrificing their children and their wealth for Islam, despite all the wars, oppression, and evil propaganda that they are facing?
        Every new prophet always encoutered reaction. 
       No people upon whoma prophet was sent, was welcoming .  They never said anything good about the message that was brought.  Just as the Jews did not accept the prophethood of ‘Isa alayhis salaam, the Christians did not accept the prophethood of Muhammad may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him; however, the coming of the Prophet Muhammad was mentioned in the books of the Jews and Christians.  Eventhough they knew of this, they still rejected his message.
       The Jews of Medina were anxiously waiting for the coming of a prophet because the chracteristics of this new prophet was mentioned in the Torah.  However most of them knowlingly rejected the Prophet Muhammad as he was not from the Children of Israel.
        Come learn about Islam before death comes upon you. 
        Leave aside all the prejudices and what you know.   When death comes, everything will come to an end.  And either you will feel regret for what you did or you will experience happiness from being rescued.  There will be no return.  You must know Islam as this risk exists.  You will not lose anything.  If you die before knowing Islam, you will lose many things in the afterlife.  Do not judge Islam by looking at the way Muslims live today.  Because Muslims have been deprived of true Islam.  Because of lack of education and prohibition Muslims did not get a chance to learn true Islam.  Do not take heed of false representations of Islam. 
          Immediately  take an opportunity to read the Qur'an and the prophet Muhammad's life .
The oppurtunity of life has not ended for you.  Give a chance to this hand that offeres salvation and open your heart to Islam.  Become Muslim and save yourself then your family for an eternal life.  Otherwise  you will regret it.
        Why they chose Islam
        Those who came to know of Islam are telling us how they became Muslim.  If you listen to their stories you will learn about Islam from different perspectives. 
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